January 22, 2025


1. Shattered Innocence: Uncovering the Devastating Effects of Unjust Foster Care, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Canada, 2023.


This investigation report sheds light on a series of deeply troubling actions and practices by social workers in Finland, which have had detrimental effects on a
child, here referred to as N., and her family. The report thoroughly documents and refutes the fallacious claims of the social workers who assert that their actions were in the child’s best interest.

The numerous grievances outlined include the traumatic removal of the child from her family, misdiagnosis, inappropriate medication, overmedication, educational disruption, malnutrition, health issues, abnormal worldviews, and isolation from family. The child’s privacy was violated, hobbies terminated, and her eyesight damaged due to neglect. She suffered a decline in academic performance, lost social connections, and faced cultural and religious identity loss. Additionally, the child encountered attachment issues, emotional manipulation, and strained relationships with biological parents.

The report emphasizes the need for accountability and justice, calling for an investigation into the social workers’ actions, accountability for any misconduct or negligence identified, the immediate cessation of harmful practices affecting the child, and a reevaluation of her placement and care to ensure her well-being and best interests. The aim is to prevent such harm from befalling other vulnerable children in the future.



2. Child Destruction in Finland, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Canada, 2023.


This is a comprehensive document to the Helsinki  Administrative Court, challenging the decision of Finnish child protection social workers to place his child in foster care. The submission alleges a range of issues, including racial discrimination, profit motives, and falsification of information by social workers. The document contends that the child suffered psychological trauma due to arbitrary decisions, control measures, and improper administration of psychiatric drugs. The document emphasizes the need for an independent investigation, challenges the credibility of social workers’ decisions, and calls for the immediate reversal of the child’s placement. The document highlights a series of grievances against the social workers’ actions and emphasizes the importance of ensuring the child’s well-being and family integrity.



3. The Way to Justice: Clarifications and Requests, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Canada, 2023.


A child was kidnapped by Finnish social workers (Lännen Lastensuojelu Lassila 1, Helsinki) from Töölön school on September 22, 2022, two days after her  grandmother’s funeral, when she cried in her teachers’ room. Followed by this arbitrary action, social workers repeatedly lied, fabricated facts, falsified documents, threatened the child to make testimonies, threatened the child not to going home, isolated the child, brainwashed the child to receive cult-like foster ideas, discredited the family, misguided her to behave irresponsibly, and destroyed the child’s life and future.



4. Finland State Scam Child Protection As A Business Chain, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Canada, 2023.


Child protection agencies are highly important in Finland as they are responsible for safeguarding the welfare and safety of children. Their primary duties include identifying and responding to cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and providing support and protection to vulnerable children and families. Despite their critical role, with an authoritarian tradition, there have been instances where child protection agencies in Finland have acted illegally against children and their families without any legitimate reason. Such actions have caused immense harm and suffering to the affected families and children. Due to these injustices, families with children in Finland face significant risks of losing their family life and parenting rights.

This book discusses a case of child protection in Finland, where schoolteachers and social workers colluded to remove a child from the family without sufficient evidence. The child protection agencies in Finland have excessive legal power, and their interference in family life is often based on flimsy and even illegal grounds, burdening families with the obligation to prove them wrong. The book highlights the need for the Finnish government to address these issues and improve the practice of child protection services by ensuring that social workers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions while respecting and protecting the rights of the child and their family. The section also raises concerns about the growing trend of foster care becoming a profitable business, attracting interest groups to establish foster homes.



5. Fangs Behind Mask How Authoritarian Practice in Finnish Child Protection Tramples On Humanity, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Finland, 2023.


Child protection agencies are highly important in Finland as they are responsible for safeguarding the welfare and safety of children. Their primary duties include identifying and responding to cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and providing support and protection to vulnerable children and families. Despite their critical role, with an authoritarian tradition, there have been instances where child protection agencies in Finland have acted illegally against children and their families without any legitimate reason. Such actions have caused immense harm and suffering to the affected families and children. Due to these injustices, families with children in Finland face significant risks of losing their family life and parenting rights.

This book discusses a case of child protection in Finland, where schoolteachers and social workers colluded to remove a child from the family without sufficient evidence. The child protection agencies in Finland have excessive legal power, and their interference in family life is often based on flimsy and even illegal grounds, burdening families with the obligation to prove them wrong. The book highlights the need for the Finnish government to address these issues and improve the practice of child protection services by ensuring that social workers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions while respecting and protecting the rights of the child and their family. The section also raises concerns about the growing trend of foster care becoming a profitable business, attracting interest groups to establish foster homes.



6. Child Protection as Business Chain: A Case Study, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Finland, 2023.


According to Finnish law, families and parents have the primary responsibility for a child’s upbringing and care. These are not only obligations but also rights of families and parents. However, authorities should provide necessary support to parents and direct children and families to child protection services if needed:

“The primary responsibility for a child’s wellbeing rests with the child’s parents and other custodians. The child’s parents and custodians must safeguard the child’s balanced development and wellbeing in the manner laid down in the Child Custody and Right of Access Act (361/1983).

(2) The public authorities that work with children and families must support parents and custodians in our child upbringing and must endeavour to provide families with the necessary assistance at a sufficiently early stage and must refer the child and the family to the child welfare services where necessary.

(3) Child welfare must provide parents, custodians, and other persons responsible for childcare and upbringing with support in childcare and upbringing by arranging the necessary services and support measures. Under the conditions laid down below in this Act, a child may be placed away from home or other measures taken to arrange care for and custody of the child.” (Lastensuojelulaki, 13.4.2007/417, 1 luku, 2§.)

The child’s best interest is always considered on a case-by-case basis, based on factors such as the child’s age, circumstances, and the quality of care provided by the parents. In Finland, the child’s right to participate and special protection is emphasized in the child protection law, and all social welfare actions related to a child must primarily consider the child’s best interests. Open care and support services are provided to children and families to support the positive development of the child. “Kiireellinen sijoitus”, or an urgent placement, is a temporary placement of a child in foster care or a receiving home, which is not yet a custody arrangement.

Finnish social workers should have been specially trained professionals with a deep understanding of the complex social, economic, and cultural factors that can impact individual and community well-being. They should have received rigorous education and training in social work theory, research, and practice, and are held to high ethical standards in their work.

Overall, Finnish social workers play a vital role in promoting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities in Finland. Their focus on preventative measures, collaboration, and individualized care has been highly effective in reducing the need for more intensive interventions and promoting long-term health and well-being.

However, Finnish social workers might play a destructive role in splitting families, removal of children from parents, breaching children welfare and parents’ human rights. Thousands of cases prove that, nearly every social worker’s main task is to get the child away from their parents, an absolutely shocking use of power. They regard obligations and rights of families and parents as dispensable, insignificant and ignorable.

It is important to acknowledge that in some cases, Finnish social workers were involved in decisions to remove children from their parents’ care or to intervene in family dynamics. These decisions are not taken lightly and are made with the aim of protecting the safety and well-being of the child.

There have been cases where social workers have overstepped their authority or breached the rights of parents or children. In such cases, it is important that these issues are addressed through appropriate channels, including the legal system and professional ethics boards.

Finnish social workers are trained to work in a way that is respectful of the rights and dignity of all individuals, including parents and children. They are expected to work collaboratively with families and to seek to support them in finding solutions to the challenges they may face. However, in situations where a child is at risk of harm or neglect, social workers may need to take action to ensure the safety and well-being of the child.

It is true that social workers are not trained lawyers and may not have a comprehensive understanding of the legal system or specific laws related to child protection. However, they are trained to work within the legal framework and procedures that govern their profession, and to collaborate with legal professionals when necessary to ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are respected.

They always claim that they have been trained with law. But in fact, they only study some pieces of legal regulations but not systematic legal science. They may have listened to the lectures on child protection law and know some single terms, such as “child interest”. However, they generally do not understand ideas such as human rights, family, justice, due procedure, legality, retrospective, and so on. They also lack a scientific way of thinking, lacking respect of family life, parents-children’s bonds, psychological trauma, and alienation and isolation. Or they are intentionally neglecting these due to their motivation for profit in the business chain. Either way, there have been inherent sins within the current the professional career of these social workers who act illegally.

Social workers are also trained to work from a holistic perspective, taking into account the social, emotional, and physical well-being of the child, as well as the broader context of the family and community. While they may prioritize the safety and well-being of the child, they are also required to work within established legal procedures and respect the rights of all individuals involved.

In cases where social workers are involved in decisions related to child protection, they are required to follow established legal procedures and ensure that due process is followed. This includes providing parents with opportunities to be heard and to participate in decision-making processes, as well as adhering to established timelines and procedures.

The quality of social work practice can have a significant impact on the well-being of individuals and families. Good social workers can provide essential support and resources to help individuals and families overcome challenges and achieve positive outcomes, while bad social workers may cause harm and exacerbate existing problems.

Good social workers are trained professionals who are knowledgeable about the needs and challenges faced by individuals and families, and are skilled at developing and implementing effective interventions and support strategies. They work collaboratively with individuals and families to identify strengths and challenges, and to develop individualized plans that address the unique needs and goals of each person.

In contrast, bad social workers may lack the necessary skills, knowledge, or empathy to provide effective support. They may not listen to or understand the concerns of individuals and families, or may fail to provide appropriate resources and interventions. In some cases, they may even cause harm by using abusive or coercive tactics, violating ethical standards, or breaching the rights of individuals and families.

Bad social workers in child protection can severely breach the human rights of children, parents, and families. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes that children have the right to be protected from all forms of harm and abuse, and that parents have the right to support and resources to provide for the well-being of our children.

Bad social workers may violate these rights by using abusive or coercive tactics, failing to provide appropriate support and resources, or making decisions that are not in the best interests of the child. In extreme cases, they may remove children from their families without sufficient evidence of harm or neglect, or may use their authority to intimidate or harass parents and families.

These actions can have serious and long-lasting consequences for the well-being of children and families, including trauma, emotional distress, and loss of trust in social institutions. They can also erode trust in the child protection system and contribute to a culture of fear and suspicion among parents and families.

It is important to note that the quality of social work practice is influenced by a range of factors, including training, supervision, resources, and organizational culture. To ensure the best possible outcomes for individuals and families, it is essential to invest in high-quality social work education and training, provide ongoing supervision and support for social workers, and create supportive organizational cultures that prioritize ethical and effective practice.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of social work practice depends on the skills, knowledge, and dedication of individual social workers, as well as the broader social and organizational context in which they work. By supporting good social work practice and holding bad social workers accountable, they can help to ensure that individuals and families receive the support and resources they need to thrive.

Social workers in the field of child protection in Finland regard the normal activities of family life as abuse, so their separation of children from their families and parents, and isolation in institutions with only staff but no relatives should be a form of kidnapping and abuse. Yet they have no sense of shame or guilt. Thousands of years of experience and rules of family raising children in the history of human beings are baselessly regarded as crimes by these inhumane social workers. They subverted human society into a more barbaric society than slave society, and should be sanctioned and punished by law.



7. Lastensuojelu tai Lapsikauppa, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Finland, 2023.


Villieläimet kokevat myös perhesiteitä, ja kun niiden jälkeläiset erotetaan heistä, vanhemmat voivat kestää henkistä kärsimystä ja fyysistä heikkoutta. Valitettavasti Suomessa lastensuojelun sosiaalityöntekijät voivat ottaa lapset vanhemmiltaan useaan otteeseen, usein ilkeän vainon, ideologisten ennakkoluulojen, taloudellisten kannustimien, rotujen tai ainakin väärinkäsitysten vuoksi.

Oikeustieteen, tietojenkäsittelytieteen ja sosiologian arvostettuna tutkijana koin henkilökohtaisesti tällaista vainoa Suomessa vuonna 2022. Perheemme surun keskellä vaimoni äidin kuoleman jälkeen syyskuun puolivälissä kotimme kohtasi käsittämätön suru. Yllätyksekseni lastensuojelun sosiaalityöntekijät veivät 14-vuotiaan lapseni koulustaan, kun hän itki opettajien huoneessa ilmaisten halunsa löytää lepopaikka.

Mielenkiintoista on, että meillä oli aiempia kohtaamisia lastensuojelun sosiaalityöntekijöiden kanssa. Lapsemme olivat joutuneet pitkään näiden henkilöiden kohteeksi, ja heistä oli tullut mahdollinen ehdokas tuottoisassa ja voittoa tavoittelevassa lastensuojeluliiketoimintaketjussa. Tällä nimenomaisella tapauksella ei kuitenkaan ollut mitään yhteyttä noihin asioihin, vaikka ne olisi väärennetty, väärennetty tai keksitty. Se muistutti minua siitä, että 99 prosenttia lastensuojelun sosiaalityöntekijöiden toimista perustui muihin motiiveihin kuin lasten todelliseen hyvinvointiin.

Joka vuosi kymmeniä tuhansia lapsia erotetaan perheestään Suomessa. Monet tämän äkillisen ja tahattoman eron kokeneet vanhemmat ovat järkyttyneitä, henkisesti tai fyysisesti huonokuntoisia, työkyvyttömiä, ja jotkut ovat jopa antaneet periksi läheistensä menettämisen aiheuttamille traumalle ja ahdistukselle.

Minäkään en ole säästynyt näiltä seurauksilta, vaikka olenkin sitkeä yksilö, menestynyt tutkija ja rakastava isä. Siitä huolimatta, kun painin shokin, trauman ja heikkouden kanssa, etsin lohtua paljastaessani totuuden, paljastaessani epäoikeudenmukaisuuden ja taistelemalla väsymättä oikeuden puolesta.

Ryhtyessäni kirjoittamaan tätä kirjaa, huomaan itseni ylitsevuotavan tunteiden sekamelskasta – helpotusta, voimaantumista ja vastuuntunnetta. Tämä kirja edustaa yritystäni tuoda esiin syvästi huolestuttava ja usein vaiettu tosiasia: joissakin lapsensuojelun ammattilaisten harjoittamaa autoritaarista toimintaa.

Liian pitkään nämä käytännöt ovat jääneet huomaamatta ja kyseenalaistamatta, jatkuvasti ylläpitäen järjestelmää, joka on tarkoitettu suojelemaan lapsia, mutta joka joissakin tapauksissa aiheuttaa entistä enemmän vahinkoa. Toivon, että jakamalla omia kokemuksiani ja tutkimalla muiden lapsensuojelun uhrien tarinoita voimme yhdessä paljastaa epäoikeudenmukaisuudet ja ajaa merkityksellistä muutosta.

Ennen kaikkea haluaisin ilmaista sydämellisen kiitokseni kaikille rohkeille henkilöille, jotka ovat jakaneet henkilökohtaiset matkansa kanssani. Teidän horjumaton tukenne ja halukkuutenne puhua vastaan kohtaamienne vääryyksien puolesta ovat olleet ratkaisevia tämän kirjan muotoutumisessa. Teidän voimanne ja kestävyytenne ovat muistuttaneet minua siitä, että emme ole yksin taisteluissamme ja yhdessä voimme saada aikaan muutoksen lapsensuojelujärjestelmässä.

Haluaisin myös osoittaa syvimmän kiitollisuuteni niille, jotka ovat tarjonneet korvaamatonta näkemystä, neuvoja ja asiantuntemusta tämän kirjan kirjoitusprosessin aikana. Teidän tietonne ja ohjauksenne ovat rikastuttaneet ymmärrystäni ja mahdollistaneet tämän monimutkaisen aiheen tutkimisen syvyydessä ja selkeydessä.

Lisäksi haluan tunnustaa lukemattomat yksilöt, jotka ovat tukeneet minua emotionaalisesti, tarjoten empaattisen korvan ja lohdutusta vaikeina aikoina. Läsnäolonne ja kannustuksenne ovat olleet elintärkeitä ruokkiessani päättäväisyyttäni tuoda esiin lapsensuojelujärjestelmän pimeät nurkat.

Viimeiseksi haluaisin ilmaista kiitollisuuteni perheelleni ja ystävilleni heidän horjumattomasta uskostaan minuun ja jatkuvasta tuestaan. Rakkaus ja tuki ovat tukeneet minua tässä haastavassa yrityksessä ja muistuttaneet minua oikeudenmukaisuuden tärkeydestä vastoinkäymisistä huolimatta.

Tämä kirja on omistettu kaikille autoritaarisia käytäntöjä lapsensuojelujärjestelmässä kokeneille uhreille. On yhteinen äänemme, joka haastaa vallitsevan tilanteen, vaatii avoimuutta ja ajaa lasten ja perheiden oikeuksia vääristyneessä järjestelmässä. Toivottavasti tämä kirja toimii muutoksen katalyyttinä, edistäen empatiaa, myötätuntoa ja oikeudenmukaisuutta lapsensuojelun käytännöissä.

Yhdessä pyrimme maailmaan, jossa lasten edut todella turvataan, perheitä tuetaan ja menneisyyden sortavat käytännöt korvataan järjestelmällä, joka todella hoivaa ja nostaa esiin sen tarkoituksensa palveltavia.



8. Contemporary Child Hostage, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Finland, 2023.


The habitual tricks of Finnish social workers include: first of all isolating the child from their parents, brainwashing the child to fight against their parents, collaborating with other professionals to feed the child psychiatric medicines to calm them down, limiting contact and communication between the child and their parents, providing them with weekly allowance to bribe them, promising them more freedom from family and social rules to tease them, pressure them to testify for social workers to conceal their wrongdoings, and discrediting parents’ claims by saying that there is nothing new in parents’ appeals. Last by not least, they put a Helsinki City logo on their writings to manifest that they manipulate the authority of the state and conceal their corruptive behaviors, private benefit, malicious intentions, and tyrannical approaches.


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