September 19, 2024

Subject: A Plea for Olivia’s Well-being and True Voice

Dear Social Workers,

I am writing to you as Olivia’s father, with a heart full of concern for her well-being and future. Over the past weeks, I have noticed a distressing pattern in Olivia’s behavior after her interactions with social workers and other individuals involved in her life. While I understand that your intentions are likely driven by a desire to ensure her safety and welfare, I feel compelled to express some worries and share my perspective.

Olivia’s vulnerability has been evident in the way she seems to be influenced by external opinions, suggestions, and even pressure. This is particularly alarming as it raises questions about the extent to which she is truly making decisions that align with her own feelings and desires. It appears that she is being swayed by external influences, and this trend is a cause for concern.

I would like to emphasize that the statements she made, such as “family must be safe” and “parents must cooperate with social workers,” seem to be more reflective of external pressures rather than her genuine thoughts. As someone who has known Olivia deeply and cared for her throughout her life, I can confidently attest to her feelings and preferences. I firmly believe that these statements are not her own, but rather an outcome of undue influence.

It is clear to me that Olivia’s recent actions and words have been shaped by experiences that are not representative of the life she has lived with us. The sudden changes in her attitude, particularly the desire to distance herself from her family, raise concerns about the nature of these interactions. As parents who have been devoted to her well-being for many years, we are keenly aware of even the smallest details that make up her life.

I want to stress that Olivia’s expression of wanting to come back home was a sincere desire that we both shared. However, it seems that external factors have led her to question this decision and reconsider her thoughts. It is essential for her true voice to be heard and respected, without any undue pressure or manipulation.

I implore you to consider the principle of allowing Olivia to return home unconditionally. It is our belief that this is in her best interest and is reflective of her true wishes. We maintain that the current situation has been influenced by misinformation and fabricated stories that have created a distorted perception of our family.

I firmly believe in the fairness of the system and the pursuit of justice. I have faith that truth will prevail and that the actions of those who may have misrepresented our family’s situation will be brought to light. I trust in the importance of safeguarding Olivia’s well-being and ensuring that she is allowed to make decisions that truly align with her feelings, away from any external pressures.

I appeal to you to see the situation from our perspective and to consider the weight of Olivia’s true voice. As her father, I am committed to her happiness, safety, and future. I am confident that, with understanding and empathy, we can work together to ensure the best outcome for Olivia.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I am hopeful that, through open communication and a shared dedication to Olivia’s well-being, we can find a way to move forward that respects her true wishes and protects her best interests.


Olivia’s Father

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