September 19, 2024


Pay attention to social workers in child protection institutions in Finland breaching legality and family rights and chilren welfare


Dear Audience,


I am writing to bring to your attention a critical issue concerning the actions of social workers in child protection institutions in Finland. I am deeply concerned about the widespread and systematic breaches of legality, family rights, and children’s welfare that are occurring in these institutions.


I have seen firsthand the devastating impact that these breaches can have on families and children, and I believe that it is imperative that the world knows about this issue and the steps being taken to address it.


As you may be aware, social workers in Finland have significant powers when it comes to child protection, including the ability to remove children from their families and place them in institutional care. However, in too many cases, these powers are being abused and used in ways that are contrary to the law and in breach of individual rights and the well-being of children and families.


I believe that it is the responsibility of the global news outlets to investigate and report on this issue, to raise awareness of the impact that these breaches are having on families and children, and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.


I urge you to consider covering this issue, to bring to light the experiences of families and children who have been impacted by these breaches, and to advocate for the changes that are needed to ensure that these abuses of power are addressed.


Thank you for your consideration of my request.



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