September 19, 2024


Dear Social Workers in Finland,


I am writing this letter to express my utmost concern and disappointment regarding the recent cases of child removals from families without factual basis. It has come to my attention that you have acted in an authoritarian way, based on your own imaginations, falsifications, fabrications, and defamation.


Such unethical and illegal actions have caused great harm to families, who were stripped of their fundamental right to raise their children without interference from external parties. Your reckless behavior has not only caused emotional distress to innocent children but also disrupted their sense of stability and security.


It is deeply alarming that you have taken such arbitrary actions without any factual basis. It is unacceptable to rely on hearsay, conjecture, or false information to justify the removal of children from their homes. Your actions have eroded the trust and confidence that society places in social workers, and have caused immense damage to your profession.


I urge you to reflect on your actions and feel ashamed of the harm you have caused to these families. Your behavior is not only unethical but also illegal, and you must be held accountable for your actions. I implore you to take immediate steps to remedy the situation and ensure that such incidents do not occur again in the future.


In Eastern Asia, there is a tradition that when a person does something wrong to other people and causes great harm to their families, they should have Caesarean suicide. While I do not advocate such drastic measures, I do believe that you should take responsibility for your actions and make amends to those families who have suffered because of your behavior.


Please take this letter as a wake-up call to review your practices and ensure that you act in a professional, ethical, and responsible manner in the future.




Victims of Finnish Child Protection

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