September 19, 2024

On March 28, 2022 mid-night, I was in a night shift, our child and her mother were at home. Our child did not want to sleep. Her mother talked with her and the child went to and stayed in toilet for about 3 hours. The toilet was locked from inside. Later, her mother worried about the child, and opened the door. The child strangely called the emergency center. But later, police gave up investigation.

Subsequently, the child has gor social workers to “help” her.

As a result of social workers and school curators’ “instructions”, the child did not want to abide by family rules such as sleep early and go to school on time.

There were several notices to the social workers by Töölö School teachers, curator, and hobby instructors.

In August 2022, our child could generally manage her sleep and school going normally. But she did not like to attend sports and fine arts courses.

At the end of August, our child suffered from fluenza or COVID-19, absent from school for several days.

In mid-Septemebr, her grandmother died and her mother was in deep sorrow.

On September 22, 2022, the child went to school crying. The reason was unclear.

However, school teacher notified social workers, leading her to be removed from school, put into urgent placement, and later was put in custody (huostaanotto).

Because of this, she sufferred from trauma and depresison. They feed her Seronil 30 mg and Ketipinor 12,5 mg regularly everyday.

From then on, I and my wife have been continuously facing emerging charges, by people in pretention of our child.

At the beginning, they charged us with mental violece.

Later, they added physical violence.

Later, they added abuse.

And there was also a death threat notified by school curator.


The emergent placement and custody were both based on complaints against my wife.

I appealed against these decisions claiming that my legal guardianship was violated.

If so, the social workers will lose their case in administrative court.


Therefore, after they read my appeal, they are now trying to fabricate that I also assaulted my child.

All human beings, let’s follow what will be their fabricated story in coming days. This is a really good drama.


Now, my wife has visited the police for the first round of interrogation on May 4, 2023.

My turn was on the following day. I worked 4 night shifts, and tried to visit the police on time at 9 on May 5, 2023. However, due to a delay of the interrogation of 2 hours, I was exhausted and the interrogation was postponed.
Appreciations to the police officer, the interrogation will be rescheduled.

I will report the development of the case. I will see how another unjust, false and wrongly decided conviction will be created in Finland.

I want to answer the question: Is Finnish legal system a joke or a fascist replica?

I hope that the judiciary will not be as lawless and run amok as the social workers.


Disclaimer: In order to protection our child, both her and our names are kept in private.

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