September 19, 2024


Finnish social workers use a strict logical sequence to achieve the child’s separation from the family. Not only do they constantly reveal explicit and implied seductions to our children in their narratives, but they also use psychologists to achieve their ends step by step.


First, the social workers allege that someone in the family was violent toward the child. This is the beginning of all evil plots. Because social workers are well aware that the perception and judgment of minors are malleable. After seduction, deception and coercion, a child is made to utter ambiguous words. The child’s ambiguous words become the truth in the social worker’s text, no longer ambiguous, but as evidence. Because the social workers know very well that no one can prove the right or wrong of the child’s confession.


Second, because the social workers couldn’t find evidence of physical violence, they started making up claims of mental violence. Reasons for emotional violence are easy to find because a child cries sometimes, whether it’s because she’s hungry, sleepy, missing her parents, in trouble, and so on. Especially after the child is kidnapped and separated from the family, he will have a complicated state of mind, and the possibility and frequency of crying will be greater. For our child, she is more likely to cry, because at that time her grandmother passed away, her mother was very sad, her mother cried, and the child was also sad and crying, plus the whole family did not have a good rest, was tired, and was in a bad mood. Stablize. Ask for help and reassurance while your child is at school. She wanted to find a place to sleep well. She didn’t say to sleep somewhere else forever. She just said she wanted to find a place to sleep at that time. But it was regarded by the social workers as an excellent opportunity for them to kidnap their children and leave their families.


Third, after the child left the family, he was traumatized and emotionally unstable. Coupled with social workers talking to her every day, delaying school, disrupting daily schedules, she was tired, sleepy and homesick. At this time, the social workers and the psychologists made up that the child had psychological problems, and made up that the total psychological problems were not caused by her being kidnapped and separated from her family, but were caused by the violence she experienced. Note that earlier they fabricated the story of the child being subjected to mental violence, which was then used in the first step of their conspiracy to frame the family.


However, simply fabricating such abstract, hard-to-prove, ambiguous things as mental violence does not give them peace of mind. They further create lies about physical violence. Thus, the lies about physical violence do not appear in the beginning of the story, but later in the story.


They intensively arrange talks and discussions between children and psychologists. From the very beginning, they refused to communicate with their parents, never allowed their parents to participate in conversations and discussions, and kept rejecting their parents’ opinions. Even the parents’ description of the most basic psychological process of the child is not listened to. In a secluded, closed environment, psychologists suggest and seduce children, weaving scenes of everyday family life into violent events. At this time, the originally fabricated mental violence has become their mantra and commonplace, and the vocabulary and stories of physical violence have also come on stage and entered their stories. Once the narrative of physical violence is established, their purpose is almost achieved. From then on, they claimed that their children were subjected to mental and physical violence at home. But claims of abuse are still a ways off.


Next, the social workers began to blatantly abuse the word “abuse” on the parents.


Social workers and psychologists began to blatantly say that there is not only mental violence but also physical violence in the home, so they fabricated that the home is not safe, parents are dangerous people, and mentally coerce children. The storyline of the social workers and psychologists continued to be fabricated, and the tragedy developed further. It developed to fabricate that all family members were violent, the family environment was not good, and it was not conducive to the child’s growth, saying that the family rejected her and abused her.


What’s more, social workers and psychologists lure children to say some weird and unimaginable ideas and statements. Maybe these thoughts and sayings will be produced by every ordinary person, and they will disappear soon. But once these ideas and statements are heard by social workers and psychologists, they become fodder for further stories they make up. Social workers, along with psychologists, made up claims that the child was suicidal, and they threatened the parents that they would not insist on sending the child home.


Social workers and psychologists claim that children cannot go home because they are not responsible for what happens when the child goes home. On the one hand, they threaten their children that their parents and other family members are violent, and on the other hand, they threaten their parents that their children have suicidal tendencies. Moreover, they have actually detained the child, and it is impossible for the child to go home, and it is impossible for the parents and the child to meet.


The tragedy fabricated by social workers and psychologists has further developed. Every time the child proposes to meet and communicate with the parents, they further threaten and lure the child to give up such an idea, or arrange other meetings for the child, occupying time, and letting the child Tiredness made her feel uncomfortable, and it was no longer possible to meet her parents.

What’s worse is that every time there is a new opportunity for the child to choose, the social workers will appear in front of the child on time, talk to the child in advance, and prevent the child from making a decision according to his own wishes. Then, the social workers declared that the child seemed to follow the arrangement of the social workers, thinking that was the best. The child’s free will is completely denied.


At the same time, when the child proposed to discuss some important matters with the parents, she was immediately stopped.

The psychologist’s villainy throughout the conspiracy was completed when the social workers’ decision to remove the child completely from the home took effect. The psychologist met the child after the child arrived at the foster home, and it became the last meeting. The sharp scientist wrote: The child immediately felt better when he arrived in Perhekoti, and his mood became stable, and he did not need to come again.


The social workers and psychologists arranged seamlessly, and immediately ended the child’s six-month visit to the psychologist, printed a copy of the previous documents and handed them to the child, and no new appointments were made.


In a word, apart from being the accomplices and puppets of social workers, psychologists are not a part of human beings at all.

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