September 19, 2024


Dear Daughter,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take some time to share my thoughts and feelings with you regarding our family life and the foster care institution you currently reside in. I believe it is crucial for you to understand the stark differences between the two, so you can make an informed decision about your future.

Let me begin by reminding you of our family’s background. Your mother and I have dedicated our lives to education and service. I hold five university degrees:  an LLB, LLM, BH, LLD, and a PhD, and I am both a lawyer and a professor. I have also got other professional qualifications. Your mother holds three university degrees: an LLB, a BH and a Master of Social Sciences, and is a registered nurse in both China and Finland. Your sister has an impressive educational background as well, with four university degrees: a Bachelor of Business Technology, LLB, and LLM degrees from the University of Stockholm, as well as an LLM from Peking University. Our family’s commitment to education and professional achievement is a testament to the values we hold dear. However good a family we are, we have been discriminated and persecuted by Finnish social workers in the field of child protection, who disguised as helping you when your grandmother died but removed you from our family, making you trauma and insomnia.

One of the most significant differences between our family life and the foster care institution is the way we approach your development. We firmly believe in helping you grow but never in controlling you. In foster care, you have experienced a loss of freedom, particularly when it comes to travel. They restrict your ability to travel abroad, while our family enjoyed trips to London, Cambridge, Oxford, Venice, Barcelona, and Madrid just last year. We cherish the opportunity to explore the world and expand our horizons together.

When it comes to your well-being, we prioritize providing you with quality food. Our family enjoys a wide variety of seasonal fresh foods, such as strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, honeydew melon, beef, and even sushi. We understand the importance of a balanced diet and go above and beyond to ensure you have access to nutritious meals.

Similarly, your clothing is an important aspect of our care for you. We believe in providing you with quality clothes from reputable stores like Sokos, Stockmann, and at least new clothes from  H&M and Prisma. We strive to minimize the use of second-hand or donated clothing, ensuring you have a wardrobe that reflects your individuality and meets your needs.

In our family, we value the company of quality friends who come from diverse professional backgrounds. My friends include lawyers, judges, prosecutors, police officers, professors, researchers, and writers, while your mother’s friends are mostly doctors and nurses. I also chair Finland-China Artists Association and have many friends who are artists. Your sister’s friends are accomplished lawyers and enterprise managers. By surrounding ourselves with such esteemed individuals, we create an environment that encourages intellectual growth and supports your ambitions.

Education is of paramount importance to us, and we spare no expense in providing you with the best opportunities. You have attended excellent schools and universities, where your talents and abilities are nurtured. Our family takes pride in covering all the costs associated with your education, ensuring that you have access to a quality learning experience.

Nurturing your talents and interests is another aspect of our commitment to your personal development. From a young age, you have received piano lessons, which we have never canceled due to financial constraints. We understand the importance of fostering your hobbies and helping you unlock your full potential.

Living a healthy lifestyle is something we prioritize in our family. We place great emphasis on proper sleep, regular exercise, and maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. Our commitment to a healthy lifestyle extends beyond the home, as we enjoy activities like farming our own garden, going for walks, traveling, visiting islands and beaches, swimming, cycling, and more. We believe in the importance of physical and mental well-being, and we encourage you to pursue an active and fulfilling life.

Unfortunately, I must address a grave concern regarding the foster care system. There have been instances where social workers, under the guise of helping you, have deceived and defrauded us of our hard-earned money. Their actions have not only disrupted our family, but they have also jeopardized your health and future. It is important for you to be aware of these realities and consider the consequences of remaining under their control.

Looking ahead, I want you to consider your future carefully. With the education and support our family can provide, you have the potential for excellent employment opportunities, a stable income, and a fulfilling life. The choices you make now will have a lasting impact on your future, and I urge you to weigh your options with great care.

In conclusion, my dear daughter, I write this letter to inform you of the stark contrasts between our family life and the foster care institution. I implore you to consider the matter earnestly and make a decision that will enable you to apply for coming home. Our family stands ready to embrace you with open arms, providing you with the love, care, and support you deserve.

Know that you are deeply loved and cherished, and we eagerly await your return.

With all my love,



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