September 19, 2024

03.06.2023 23:47

Book “Finland State Scam: Child Protection as a Business Chain”


Hello Everyone,


This is a letter from your student’s father. My child was abducted by social workers from your school on Sepptember 22, 2022. In that month, my daughter’s grandmother died. Her mother was in deep sorrow and our family was in a difficult time. Our child also sufferred and she cried at teacher’s room. Her class teacher reported to social workers. No one contacted parents.


First step, social workers fabricated mental violence.


Second step, social workers fabricated physical violence.


Third step, social workers fabricated abuse.


The child suffered from trauma caused by sudden removal from home. Social workers and psychologist did not permit her to come home, saying that “you cannot go home automatically”.


Social workers threatened that “if child goes home and commits suicide, we are not responsible.”


Here is a book for you to read when you enjoy your summer holidays, while our family is still persecuted by social workers, in the name of “child’s maximum interest”. You can find a table describing how social workers destroy our child in every aspect of her life.




The book, “Finland State Scam: Child Protection as a Business Chain”, is a case-study based significant contribution to the ongoing discourse on child welfare in Finland. Through extensive research and case studies, the book uncovers the harsh reality of the authoritarian practices used by Finnish child protection agencies. These practices not only violate the fundamental human rights of children and families but also perpetuate a system that profits from the suffering of vulnerable individuals. By shedding light on this issue, the book aims to inspire readers to take action to protect the rights of children and families and promote a just and humane society.


Looking to uncover the truth behind the Finnish child protection system? Look no further than “Finland State Scam: Child Protection as a Business Chain”. This thought-provoking book sheds light on the illegal actions that child protection agencies in Finland engage in, harming countless families and children in the process.


This book not only presents a real case of child protection victim but also offers a critical analysis of the child protection system in Finland and exposes the corruption and abuses of power that are occurring behind closed doors. With its eye-opening content and well-researched arguments, “Finland State Scam: Child Protection as a Business Chain” is a must-read for anyone concerned about the well-being of families and children in Finland.


Read the book and join the fight against illegal actions in child protection agencies in Finland.


DOWNLOAD FROM PRUNA.EU: Finland State Scam (




Product details


Publisher‏: Informyth Press, Trans-Atlantic Publishers Canada; 1st edition (May 2023)


Author: Li Xingan (LLB, BH, LLM, LLD, PhD, Lawyer)


ISBN 9781990758003


Language‏: ‎ English


Paperback: ‎ 326 pages


Dimensions: ‎ 170 x 240 x 18 mm


(This book is the Canadian version of “Fangs Behind Mask: How Authoritarian Practice in Finnish Child Protection Tramples on Humanity”)


Table of Contents


Preface 5

Factsheet: How Finnish Social Workers Destroyed my Child’s Life 12

Introduction 13

Part I. The Family and the Child 24

1. Fostering a Positive Family Environment 25

2. Smart and Sensible Child 28

3. Pursuing an Ordinary Family Life 31

4. Importance of Sleeping 34

5. The Child’s Interests and Dislikes 38

6. Hobbies First Scam 42

7. Navigating Tough Times 44

8. Basic Rules and False Claim of Abuse 46

9. Heroes or Persecuted: Experiences during Pandemics 51

Part II. Timeline: How Social Workers Poisoned Our Souls 54

10. Public Humiliation on December 22nd 2021 and After 55

11. Sleeplessness and Reporting to the Police March 28th, 2022 65

12. Child Burnout and Hobby Instructor Racism May 10th, 2022 75

13. Innovative Writing Leading to Persecution June 2nd, 2022 84

14. Report Neglecting Evidence August 29th, 2022 94

15. Crying Child Abducted September 22nd, 2022 106

16. Abducting, Isolation, Alienation, Poisoning, and Control 124

17. Persecution to the Point of Insanity 146

18. Retrospective Decision November 28th, 2022 150

19. Regarding January 23rd, 2023, Notice 154

20. Retrospective Decision February 28th, 2023 161

Part III. Fabrication and Falsification: Ways to Persecution 174

21. Child Protection, A Tainted Name in Finland 175

22. Denial of Parents’ Ability to Educate 179

23. Systematically Misguided 185

24. Monopoly of Discourse 191

25. Teachers and Social Workers Fabricated Facts 194

26. Social Workers Concealed Truths 203

27. Social Workers Falsified Transcripts 206

28. Social Workers Violated Due Procedure 218

29. Social Workers Abused Rule of Law 220

30. Social Workers Threatened the Child 222

31. Psychologists as Accomplices 225

32. Defunct Education at Töölö School 233

Part IV. Conspiracy Revisited 238

33. The Toxicity of a Culture of Snitching 239

34. Discriminatory Treatment 241

35. Trilogy of Discredit 244

36. Psychologist Collusion 248

37. Exploitation of Captured Child 253

38. Systematic Alienation 257

39. Boundaries Between Humans and Captive Animals 262

40. Organized Isolation of Children in Finland 268

41. Ten-Point Plan 271

42. Swapping Concepts and Vague Statements 274

43. Liars Govern 276

44. Gangster Logic 281

45. Abnormal Personality of Social Workers 287

46. Incompetent Finnish Child Protection 291

47. Anti-Humanity, and Anti-Humanism 295

48. Hidden and Non-Typical Corruption 299

49. State-Sanctioned Illegal Actions Against Children 304

50. Human Trafficking and Tragedy: Finnish Scandal 308

51. State Terrorism: Institutionalized Child Abduction 310

Part V. Legal Rights Denied 314

Part VI. Conclusions 318

Epilogue: A Grave Injustice 324

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