September 19, 2024

May 12th, 2023


By the way of this message, I would like to discuss with you about the confessions of our child regarding the unbeneficial words when she is under the control of social workers. I, as a holder of doctor of criminology and sociology of law from University of Turku, and a long-term criminal law professor, I think that her confessions are invalid, because she is under control of social workers and when she said those words, social workers were present but parents were not present; she takes psychiatric medicines and those medicines affect her capacity of judgment and speaking; she has dilemmas between returning home or stay outside because she is in her adolescent age and she may have motivation to stay independent of parents, and foster care provides her with absolute freedom and attractive weekly allowance as an incentives. Social workers and workers in foster care are also continuously discouraging her to contact her parents. She is isolated and marginalised from family and society. In an early stage meeting, social workers also implied and threatened her and parents that “if the child commits suicide at home, we are not responsible” (in a meeting in Herttoniemi Vastaanotto).
Social workers firstly based their decisions on complaints against my wife. I had a very good relationship with our child. But there were many loopholes in social workers’ decisions.  They gradually developed a theory that our family is violent and abusive, which is not true. One of their loopholes was that they ignored my rights of guardianship. Possibly after they read my appeal to the court later, they tried to find my faults. Currently, my child may face pressure from someones who claim that I, as her father, also did something wrong. This is apparently an action of witch hunt. They are trying to incriminate normal family life, from milk feeding, everyday activities, talking and discussing, disputes and arguments to sports and outdoor activities.
Social workers also made an excuse that our child does not want to go home. This is also very complicated. As she is under social workers’ bribery, threats and control, she has no freedom to go home. This is not our fault.
This is completely a scandal created by social workers.
I attach my analysis of invalidity of our child’s confessions, and a table comparing her situations before and after her removal from family. Her situation is getting worse and worse.
Best regards,

Attachment 1. Factsheet: How Finnish Social Workers Destroyed my Child’s Life


Before September 22nd, 2022

Parents’ normal family life

After September 22nd, 2022

Social workers’ so-called maximum interest of the child

Telephone Put away at night Self-managed at night
Sleep Sleep at 22:00 Unknown. In Herttoniemi, sometimes not sleeping at 00:00.
Insomnia Seldom Frequent
Sleeping pill No sleeping pill Ketipinor 12.5 mg everyday (prescription: 25mg when necessary)
Eyesight No problem Eyesight damaged, eye glasses needed from April 2023?
Library Very frequent visit accompanied by parents, borrowing books up to 41 copies by herself Seldom, no books borrowed (as of May 7th, 2023)
School Seldom late or absent Frequently late and absent
Academic performance Excellent Many exams missed
Family Normal family life No family life
Nutrition Regularly eating, good nutritious foods, vegetables, nuts, healthy snacks during hobby lessons Unknown
Friends School friends, family friends, hobby friends Lost school friends, lost family friends
Depression No need of medicine Seronil 30 mg daily
Outdoor and recreation activities Walking, running, gardening, swinging, cycling, skiing, skating, climbing mountains, swimming, sunbathing, singing, piano playing, Unknown, mostly in own room playing telephone and using computer
Abuse of Medicines No In mid-April, took 4 days’ medicines in one day
Communications Talking with parents, sister, friends, getting together with big … community Limited to foster family, no telephone call with family members, unclear whether foster family prevents?
Family and social status “Small princess” in our family. Loved, respected, supported selflessly Slave? Or captive? Isolated, marginalized, “support” only with salaried workers
Parents-daughter relationship She grew up in our arms, on our shoulders, hands-in-hands Contact with parents restrained, obstructed and prevented


Attachment 2. Invalidity of Testimnoies from Controlled Children

The article is to be submitted to an academic journal for publication, therefore, it is not publicised here.


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