September 19, 2024


Our child was placed in a foster family by social workers, and we firmly believe that this decision was made based on false accusations and a complete misunderstanding of our family situation.

We have always provided a safe and loving home for our child, and we are deeply concerned about their well-being while they are separated from us. The allegations made against us by the social workers are completely unfounded and lack any substantive evidence. We have done everything possible to cooperate with the authorities and to demonstrate that we are responsible and loving parents.


1) Normal family life

Our family is a very normal family, and our child is a very normal child. 

It is important to note that our 14-year-old child played telephone games and had difficulty sleeping. As responsible parents, we discussed this issue with her multiple times and offered advice, but unfortunately, she did not accept it. Despite the challenges, we never resorted to violent behavior towards her and dealt with the situation as any normal family would. In fact, by August 2022, we no longer needed to address the issue with her as she was managing her sleep and school attendance well. 


2) Discriminative reports

Followed by such a disastrous humiliation, in spring 2022, the social workers were involved in a series of actions based on several reports.

One of which was made to the social workers by a hobby teacher E A-S. However, it is important to note that this report was made during a time when our child was experiencing a low emotional state, not only in a long-run, but also on that day.

Our child had been enrolled in several hobby courses after school, and on the day in question, she had not slept well and was feeling emotionally drained. It was during this time that the hobby instructor made the false claim that our child was being abused at home.

We firmly believe that this report was not based on any actual evidence of abuse, but rather on a misinterpretation of our child’s emotional state. As responsible and loving parents, we have never and would never harm our child in any way. We believe that any suggestion to the contrary is not only false but also deeply offensive.

We are deeply troubled by one of the reports made to social workers regarding our family background, which appears to be based on racial and cultural discrimination. The report claims that our child does not speak Finnish well, despite being born and raised in Finland and receiving her education in Finnish schools. We believe that this claim is completely unfounded and is based solely on the fact that our child has black hair and black eyes.

Furthermore, we are deeply disturbed by the report’s suggestion that our family is from China. We have been living in Finland for almost two decades and are proud Finnish citizens who work in the public sector. The hobby instructor’s unfounded assumption that a family of foreign background must be abusive is entirely without merit.

The social workers involved in our case appear to be overemphasizing our foreign background and using it as a basis for making assumptions about our family situation. We strongly object to any attempts to attribute falsified abuse and weakness to our ethnic background.

We are Finnish citizens and have been living and working in this country for many years. Yet our ethnic background was considered much relevant to the decisions being made about our family, and we believe that these attempts to use this as a factor in the social workers’ decision-making process is discriminatory and unjust.

The social workers’ interest in whether we have relatives in Finland was an attempt to exploit any potential weaknesses and use them as a pretext for taking unjust actions against us.

We firmly believe that this report was based on racial and cultural discrimination, which has no place in Finnish society. It is our right as Finnish citizens to be treated fairly and without discrimination based on our appearance or cultural background. We are committed to fighting against any such discrimination and to ensuring that our family’s rights are protected.


3) Child misguided or incited by social workers and other outsiders

Starting in April 2022, our family engaged the services of a family instructor, K R,  to assist in managing the relationship between our child and us, the parents. However, the instructor provided poor guidance and did not offer any useful help. In fact, she encouraged the child to rebel against us and seek complete freedom without following any family rules.

The child had arranged meetings with social workers, and just when we thought their involvement would end, a new report was presented to them, prolonging their intervention. This happened repeatedly, causing the social workers’ intervention to continue.

The report made to the police at the end of August 2022 was fabricated and seemed unusual. Our family had a peaceful summer vacation where we visited several places, including London, Cambridge, Oxford, Porvoo, and Turku. There was no occurrence of big argument during this period. We had an appointment scheduled with social workers on September 2, 2022, and we were optimistic that this meeting would mark the end of our interactions with them.

In late August 2022, the child fell ill and had to take leave from school on August 22 and 23. Despite this, she was determined to attend school on August 24 and 25, and it was revealed that she had a meeting scheduled with the school’s curator on August 25. On that day, the child claimed to the curator that her mother had threatened her life, and the curator promptly reported it to the police as a crime. The act was completely fabricated or imagined. The child remained at home again on August 26 due to illness.

Therefore, our expectation that the meeting with social workers on September 2, 2022, would mark the end of their involvement was not fulfilled. The child’s situation was labeled as “customership,” which implies that one more incident would trigger her removal from our custody. It is apparent that all the incidents and reports were orchestrated against us, the parents, by the child with the guidance of social workers or other external parties.


4) Grandmother died, crying child abducted

In September 2022, our family suffered a tragic loss when our child’s grandmother passed away. Understandably, her mother was deeply saddened and frequently cried at home. On September 22nd, 2022, our child went to school crying and sought comfort in her teacher’s room.

Although the reason behind her crying was not entirely clear, there had been no arguments at home in recent days. It is possible that she was feeling tired or unwell that morning while at school. Despite this, instead of providing support to our family during this difficult time, the teachers reported the incident to social workers, who then intervened and removed our child from our family. Whatsoever, there was not an emergent situation for her emergent placement to a foster family, followed by and custody.

To our surprise, social workers described our family situation as “psychological violence,” an accusation that is entirely baseless. Furthermore, they later fabricated a claim that we had physically harmed our child, which is also completely false. Lastly, they falsely accused us of child abuse, a serious and damaging accusation that has no basis in reality. The wrongful actions of the social workers have caused significant harm to our family.


5) My rights deprived

It is worth noting that all of the reports made by social workers pertained solely to our child and her mother, with no involvement or valid claims against me. Nonetheless, the decision to remove our child from our family not only violated our child’s right to be with her family but also infringed upon my rights as a parent. Despite this fact, the social workers refused to acknowledge that my rights were being violated.

In order to achieve their objective, they falsified meeting transcripts, mostly by K T, fabricated non-existent stories, and repeatedly made erroneous statements about our family. 

One of these transcripts was about the November 8th, 2022 meeting, K T falsified nearly every substantial details.

These actions contributed to the creation of a false narrative, which was used to persecute our family and unjustly remove our child from our care. As a concerned parent and member of this family, I have the right to be involved in decisions regarding my child’s welfare and to be treated fairly and justly by social services. We firmly believe that the social workers’ actions were unfair, unjust, and in violation of our rights as parents.


6) Child victimized by removal

When our child was removed from our family, she experienced significant trauma and suffered from amnesia. Unfortunately, her situation only worsened when she was given psychiatric medication by the social workers. Currently, our child is in a very weak physical and mental state. She frequently misses school and has unnecessary appointments with various professionals, such as teachers, social workers, and psychologists. This was never the case when she was with us. The actions of the social workers have caused significant harm to our child. She has been forced to talk to so many adults and different professionals without us, her legal guardians, being present.

The social workers have even adopted her own diagnosis of her condition and have misguided her to alienate and hate her parents. They have gone so far as to threaten her, telling her that she will be killed when she comes home or that she should commit suicide. They have taught her to use phrases such as “I am not ready to go home” or “I am not ready to meet my parents” and have instilled in her a fear that her mother will kill her while she sleeps. These tactics have kept her away from us and only increased her anxiety. In effect, the social workers have exercised spiritual control over her in the long run, as is typical in cases of abduction.


7) No emergent condition

It has come to our attention that there may be a misconception surrounding the reason for the removal and alienation of our child from our care on September 22nd, 2023. We understand that in many similar cases, social workers may claim that a child is being treated for a medical condition, such as depression, as a justification for their removal from the parents’ custody. However, we want to make it clear that any such claims made in our case are completely unfounded and untrue.

In fact, when social workers asked in an incrimination way whether there was violence at home. Our child said that “there was no violence, nothing better or worse happened.”

We are both responsible individuals and healthcare professionals who have the full capacity to take care of our child. We have always prioritized our child’s well-being and have taken all necessary measures to ensure that they receive the best possible care. Any allegations made by social workers regarding our child’s medical condition are not only false but also irrelevant to the issue at hand.

Illness is not a reason for removal, and we firmly believe that our child’s removal was unjustified and without merit. We respectfully request that all parties involved in this matter review the facts objectively and without any preconceived notions. We are confident that a thorough examination of the evidence will demonstrate that we are fit and capable parents who deserve to have our child returned to our care.


8) Social workers’ fabrication

We are deeply troubled by the false claim made by social workers that our family did not properly educate our child and that they intended to place her with a Finnish family. We believe that this is a severe breach of our human rights and an unjustified intrusion into our family’s private life.

As responsible parents, we have always provided our child with the best possible education and have done everything within our power to ensure that she receives a high-quality education that meets her needs. Any suggestion to the contrary is not only untrue but also deeply offensive.

Furthermore, the suggestion that our child would be placed with a Finnish family is particularly concerning. Our child is an integral part of our family, and any attempt to separate her from us is a violation of our fundamental human rights. We believe that our child should be allowed to remain with us and that we are the best possible caregivers for her.

We respectfully request that the social workers involved in this matter re-evaluate their position and take into account the rights of our family. We are committed to doing everything necessary to ensure that our child’s rights are protected and that she is allowed to remain with her loving and caring family.


9) Social workers’ falsification

We are deeply troubled by the social workers’ continuous and repeated false claims that our child did not want to come home. Our child is currently in their custody and is unable to express her true feelings and desires. Therefore, we firmly believe that the social workers’ claims are not reflective of our child’s true wishes.

Contrary to the social workers’ claims, our child has expressed a strong desire to come home on multiple occasions. In fact, there have been several instances where our child has explicitly stated her desire to be reunited with her family.

For instance, during a session with a psychologist, om October 7th, 2022, our child expressed her desire to return home to help calm down her mother. However, the psychologist informed her that this was not possible, and said that you cannot go home “automatically”. Thereafter, every one of the workers, including psychologist and social workers discouraged her to come home. The psychologist served very well the social workers’ purpose of removal our child permanently. Once their purpose achieved, psychologist suddenly said that “you are better now” on March 2, 2023. However, my child still suffers from trauma and depression caused by their authoritarian actions of removing her from our family.

Additionally, on other occasions, our child has told social workers that she wants to come home, only to be met with threats of family violence. This is deeply concerning to us as parents, as we have never and would never engage in any form of violence or harm towards our child.


10) Social workers’ ignored evidence

The social workers involved in our case have shown a willingness to fabricate evidence and manipulate the truth in order to justify their actions. By insisting that their lies and fabrications are in fact true, they have undermined our confidence in their ability to act with integrity and impartiality.

We have noticed that the social workers involved in our case seem to hold an unwavering belief in their own infallibility. Despite presenting ample evidence to the contrary, they refuse to acknowledge any flaws in their original decision-making process.

Whenever we attempt to appeal their decision, they dismiss our claims simply by stating that we are not presenting anything new. This way, they proved that their lies, falsifications, fabrications, and imaginations to be truths. This approach completely disregards the importance of reviewing previous evidence and addressing any doubts or concerns that have arisen since the original decision was made.


11) 10-point plan of social workers in Finland to abduct children

I, as an established scholar with two Finnish doctorates, one in law and another in computer science, with professor positions both in several countries, with Finnish qualifications of vocational teacher and registered nurse, have concluded that social workers involved in the persecution adopted the following tricks to achieve their aims for removing her from my family:

The abduction of children by social workers is a terrible crime, and the social workers who commit such acts often take several steps to control the children. These steps can have severe emotional consequences for the children and their families.

The first step that the social workers take is to create emotional expressions in the children through misleading and inciting. The social workers responsible for these abductions separate the children from their parents, often under the guise of protecting them from alleged abuse or neglect. 

The separation itself is the second step, and this is often done under the guise of protecting the children from abuse or neglect. However, this separation can cause trauma and emotional distress, both for the children and their parents.

The third step is the trauma that the children experience as a result of the separation. This trauma can have long-lasting effects on the children’s mental health and well-being, and may even require the involvement of psychologists and psychiatrists in the name of helping the children deal with their emotions and providing therapy to help them cope with the trauma of being separated from their parents. 

The involvement of these professionals is the fourth step, and they may be brought in to help the children deal with their emotions and provide therapy to help them cope with the trauma. However, these persons are in line with social workers to control the children.

The social workers responsible for the abduction may later claim that the children are mentally ill, which is the fifth step. They may even suggest that mental illness runs in the family, which can be a ploy to further control the children and alienate them from their parents.

The sixth step is to make the parents feel that they are responsible for the children’s alleged mental illness, which can further separate the children from their parents.

The seventh step is to have the children start taking medicine. This medication can have adverse side effects and can lead to further separation from the parents, as the children may be placed in foster care or other institutions.

The eighth step is the complete separation of the children from their parents. This can be done through the legal system, and the children may be placed in foster care or other institutions for an extended period.

The ninth step is to imply that the children are alienated and hostile to their parents. This can create an unbridgeable gap between the child and their parents, making it difficult for them to reestablish a relationship.

Finally, the tenth step is to create an unbridgeable gap between the parents and children. This can be done through legal proceedings, counseling, and other means, and can make it difficult for the children to ever reunite with their parents.

As a result of these steps, the children may feel that they have lost the love of their relatives, which is the eleventh and final step. This can cause severe emotional distress and long-lasting damage to the children’s mental health and well-being.

The social workers who abduct children often take several steps to control the children, including emotional manipulation, separation from parents, and the use of medication. These steps can have severe emotional consequences for the children and their families, and it is essential to prevent such heinous acts and protect vulnerable children from such crimes.


12) Child abused by social workers and institution

Additionally, we are extremely concerned about our child’s current situation with the psychiatric doctor and the foster family. We have reason to believe that they have been giving her medication in a very unprofessional way. For instance, the doctor prescribed Seronil 20 mg to her as a daily dose on 8th March 2023. However, contrary to the prescription, the foster family gave her 30 mg from 9th March 2023. Furthermore, according to the prescription, Ketipinor was 25 mg given when necessary, but the foster care gave her the medicine every day, regardless of whether she needed it or not. In fact, Ketipinor is a medicine that is prohibited to be given to underage children, according to Pharmaca Fennica (According to Pharmaca Fennica, “Ketipinor-valmistetta ei saa käyttää lapsille ja alle 18-vuotiaille nuorille.”

Furthermore, it should be noted that during her time at the Herttoniemi reception, she experienced episodes of dizziness, which led to her falling down alone in the restroom on at least two separate occasions. Despite her distressing situation, no one came to her aid, and she had to rely on her own strength to recover and leave the restroom. It is possible that the cause of her dizziness and subsequent falls in the restroom were due to her weakened physical state, as she may have been experiencing health issues that made her more vulnerable to such incidents. Alternatively, it is also possible that the dizziness was a side effect of the medications she was taking, which could have affected her balance and coordination.

We strongly suspect that they are using our child as a test subject for these medications, which is a serious breach of her interest and health. As parents, we are strongly against this action and are deeply concerned about our child’s well-being. For the best interest of our child, she must be returned to our family.

When we were on a call with the child, the foster family sent us a set of instructions, which included a prohibition on discussing the child’s health situation and medication. This struck me as a very strange and inhumane behavior. It’s essential to have open and honest communication about a child’s well-being, particularly when it comes to their health. Preventing discussion about a child’s health can lead to serious problems, both in terms of the child’s care and their emotional well-being. It’s important that all parties involved in a child’s life work together to ensure that the child is getting the care they need and that all necessary information is being shared.

Any decision that is based on lies, fabrication, falsification, or imagination cannot be considered legitimate or established. It does not matter if the decision-makers have cited several articles of law, as such a decision cannot be justified. The foundation of any decision must be grounded in truth and supported by credible evidence. Without these critical elements, any decision is simply arbitrary and lacks the necessary authority to be considered valid. In short, decisions that are based on falsehoods are fundamentally flawed and cannot be trusted or accepted.

As professionals who are entrusted with the responsibility of providing critical support and services to vulnerable populations, social workers must adhere to high ethical standards and the principles of the rule of law. While social workers may have a unique role in society, they cannot enjoy privileges beyond what is permitted by the law. They must operate within legal frameworks and follow established protocols to ensure that their actions are fair, just, and lawful.

In practice, this means that social workers must prioritize the well-being of their clients while also respecting their legal rights and obligations. They must avoid engaging in activities that could be considered unlawful or unethical and must maintain transparency and accountability in all their interactions. By adhering to these principles, social workers can build trust with their clients and contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable society.


13) Child suffers depression from outside reasons and she must come home.

According to a diagnosis, our child is suffering from depression. It is essential to provide a supportive and caring environment for a child dealing with depression, and the best place for your child to receive this care is in the loving arms of her parents.

We, as parents, are both health care professionals, and we are uniquely qualified to understand the complexity of their child’s condition and provide the necessary care and support. With our knowledge and expertise, we can offer our child the best possible care and ensure that her emotional needs are met.

Removing our child from our family is a traumatic experience and further exacerbated her mental health condition. Therefore, it is crucial to bring her back to the comfort of her home and the care of her parents.

Parents play a vital role in the recovery of a child suffering from depression. The emotional support and love that we provide can make a significant difference in our child’s recovery journey. The familiarity of home and the presence of loving parents can provide a sense of security and comfort, which is essential for our child struggling with depression.

It is inhuman and cruel for social workers to remove our child based on fabricated stories, particularly when she suffers from depression. It is illegal according to internationally recognized human rights standards. It is also unethical according to internationally recognized ethical standards.


As a loving and responsible family, we have never engaged in any form of behavior towards our child that can be attributed to abuse, and we believe that she deserves to be returned to her rightful home as soon as possible. The continued separation from her family has had a detrimental effect on her mental and physical well-being, and we implore the relevant authorities to take immediate action to reunite us as a family. We are committed to working with all parties involved to ensure that our child receives the best care and support possible while in our custody.


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