September 19, 2024


Social Workers Breaching Rule of Law, Due Process, and Ethical Standards




Dear Honorable Members of Parliament of Finland,


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent actions of certain social workers who have been acting in an autocratic manner by removing children from their families without evidence of abuse or substance misuse.


As you are well aware, social workers have a vital role to play in protecting the welfare of children and families, and their work is highly valued and respected. However, it has come to my attention that some social workers have been abusing their power and violating the rule of law, due process, and ethical standards.


It is simply unacceptable for social workers to remove children from their families without clear evidence of abuse or substance misuse. These actions are not only a violation of the children’s and families’ rights but also deeply traumatic and distressing for all involved. It is essential that we uphold the fundamental principles of due process, the rule of law, and ethical standards when making decisions that impact children and families’ lives.


I urge you, as members of parliament, to take immediate action to investigate these incidents and ensure that social workers are held accountable for their actions. We must protect the rights of children and families, and it is imperative that those responsible for their welfare act within the bounds of the law.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to address this issue and uphold the values that are essential to a just and fair society.


I am ready to provide more information and case- basef documents.





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