September 19, 2024


Every year, thousands of families in Finland are subjected to severe injustice, as social workers act on false allegations of blatant fabrication, wrongfully accuse and separate parents from their children without due procedure. This practice is founded on a false premise, that all family members must be presumed guilty until proven innocent. This practice has led to many wrongful accusations and has caused immense suffering for families. In many cases, the accusations are false and the families are separated unnecessarily, causing trauma and heartache for all involved. My study reveals the issue of false accusations by Finnish social workers, accomplished by school teachers and curators, and the devastating impact it has had on families around the country.

In addition to the direct impact of wrongful accusations, there is also a significant indirect impact. When families are wrongfully accused of abuse, it feeds into the wider culture of mistrust between families and social workers, making it difficult for families to trust societal institutions and make use of available resources. This undermines the ability of families to access justice, as they are less likely to come forward and report issues that may have resulted in their family being separated.

It is clear that Finnish social workers have caused immense pain and suffering by falsely accusing and separating families. This practice must be stopped, and better measures must be put in place to ensure that families are not subjected to such injustice. Social workers must be better trained, and more oversight and accountability must be introduced to ensure that wrongful accusations do not lead to unnecessary disruption and trauma for families.

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